Last weekend our newer and older members joined us for our annual New Members Weekend. This year we visited the lovely Manege Groenewoude. During the weekend, our new members got a first taste of what a membership at A.S.R. BLOK is like: trailrides, classes but also non-horse related activities. On Friday we met our horses during a manege lesson with our instructor Hetty. After putting them to bed, we got to know eachother better with some games and drinks.

On Saturday we started the day with an easy morning and went on a 3 hour trailride in the afternoon. The group split in two for a more fast or slow paced ride. The fast group surely had a wild ride with a few bucks here and there and the calm group was super zen when they came back to the stables. The horses were energetic, the weather was perfect and the fall forest looked beautiful, so it was a delightful ride. Afterwards, we watched a cosy Christmas movie together and had pizza to fill up our fuels. At night our riders had to save the Hollandsche Manege from a very dangerous horse eating infestation: werewolves! Luckily every horse survived and they beat the werewolves multiple times. One last thing remained for this eventful day: the secret activity…. Hetty called us downstairs to supposedly feed the horses but nothing could’ve been further from the truth, because our riders got abducted and dropped off at a place unknown. After two hours of walking and singing, we finally found Manege Groenewoude again and went to bed.
On Sunday we got ready for a beautiful 5 hour trail ride. We woke our horses up with some tangerines and prepared for the trip. Again, the weather was perfect and our riders and horses were excited for the ride. After three hours of riding, we had lunch in the forest and went for a walk to stretch our legs. With some filled stomachs and empty bladders, we mounted the horses again to return back home.
And then it was time to say goodbye to the horses, to the manege and to each other. With the greatest weather we could’ve wished for, the best company and the nicest rides it truly was a memorable weekend. See you Wednesday!